
Back in the OC

Good times. Drove 7 hrs yesterday back from Redwood City. Had a good drive in spite of the weather and my failure to get a new windshield wiper in time for the fun weather (passenger side). Dad - they were closed the the night before when we left and I wasn't about to slow down our departure to beat LA traffic (which we hit at 3pm - ugh, got home by 4:30pm).

Been a good day to clean up a bit, be relaxed and play with our littler fever girl. She is doing well for being sick but we are watching her temp and giving her meds every few hours to keep her temp down.

Looking forward to a relaxing night - heck, Joy and I might even stay up to read past 10pm.

Videos and picts of our fantastic Christmas with Joy's and My families will be coming shortly. That is, if I remember how to do it on the blog:).

God bless you and have a safe and fun New Years Eve friends and family!

1 comment:

Don said...

Just cause it never rains in SoCal doesn't mean you can skip replacing that wiper. Loved your visit. Hugs to your gals.
