Ben got his mom the best gift she could ever have desired - a new hat... er, a wreath. Winner for the "Best Picture of all Mother In Laws for 2006". Below - Look at Ben fired up to hang out.
Christmas 2006
Ben got his mom the best gift she could ever have desired - a new hat... er, a wreath. Winner for the "Best Picture of all Mother In Laws for 2006". Below - Look at Ben fired up to hang out.
Lazy Shepherds
A Kerr Christmas Tree
Well, even though I came up with a nasty case of food posioning Friday Night, I had enough strength Sunday to go with Joy to grab a Christmas tree at our favorite holiday spot - Home Depot.
What a bonding experience! We just enjoy being together and serving one another. We had a wonderful experience eating soup, decorating our tree and kicking off the holiday season together - enjoy.
Where has Joy been?
In case you were wondering why Joy has been a little looney, exhausted and/or absent lately [grace please], she not only is a 4th grade school teacher [which in itself is a crazy profession], it is report card time [a grueling process requiring assessments and careful comments per child for inquiring parents] but she is getting certified to be a literacy coach in a sadistic teaching methodology IRONICALLY called G.L.A.D.
"Happy" is not synonymous with G.L.A.D. though. It is a very rigorous certification process that takes countless hours, weekends and weeknights of preparation in addition to the regular teacher load which is fairly inhuman anyway [love your children's teachers people]. Not only that, she and her two teaching friends must present an entire teaching unit [charts, exercises, posters, quizzes, content] and demo with "live" children in front of the certification instructor AND 20 teachers who will learn the G.L.A.D. paradigm from them throughout the week.
Good thing she has a husband who knows how to take care of things on the home front while she is busy working diligently [see slideshow]! Seriously, my wife is "unstoppabale" or as the famous theologian Dan Patrick from ESPN says... "You can't stop her. You can only hope to contain her."Way to go honey, we are very proud of you. It's almost over. You are amazing.
Gotta go do the dishes.